Wednesday, December 3, 2008


CV Fund
BY: Lanny Howe

Lending a hand to those in need
There is a blank spot in Century Village which a small group of people, now formed into a committee, want to fill.

Most of us, whether year-rounder’s or snowbirds, are fortunate (and know it) to have a place to live here. The Village is the best buy in town for the money. It's not a fancy place, but it is safe, there are nice apartments, and we have a beautiful clubhouse and state-of-the-art health club. There are swimming pools, a host of activities, a free bus service second to none, and many other amenities.

For some of our folk, though, life in the Village is hard. These are neighbors we all know, some the elderly and infirm, who, often through no fault of their own, cannot make ends meet. Many have no relatives who stand ready to help. Many are lonely and isolated, don't have friends, and don't know the places one can turn for assistance. We would like to help them.

An organization, made up of Village residents and outsiders, that might secure the financial backing and expertise to provide help for these people has long been in the heart of Jean Dowling. A few years ago, she and WPRF's Mark Levy, who contributed $60,000 to the cause, were able to arrange for financial assistance to a number of our poorer residents. This was done quietly, discreetly, and as anonymously as possible. In time, the money simply ran out.

Jean and the committee envision something broader and self-sustaining now, a not-for-profit organization called CV Fund. We hope to raise 2-3 million dollars, and with the interest on this assist people financially.

But this is only one thing we will be doing. We hope to be able, perhaps once a month, to buy food from a food bank, bring this back to the Village, and break it down for individuals who have placed orders. By paying $18, an individual can get $60 worth of Publix-quality foodstuffs.

We hope also, through our own research, to be able to connect people with organizations and government agencies that can help and give advice on a variety of topics.

To raise the needed money, we will seek donations from foundations and apply for grants. We will also ask for donations from within the Village—from individuals, from our condo associations ($100 a year has been suggested), from our clubs, from vendors, and others.
We are hoping everyone will pitch in. The money received will be used wisely and well. Our plan is to keep administrative expenses down to a bare minimum.

What else might be done through this program? Much, which we will share with you later. Right now we are getting our sea legs. Details about the various facets of the program will be forthcoming.
In the meantime, if you feel you might be able to assist us or donate to the cause, this would be most welcome. If you think you could help in any way, please call Jean Dowling at 640-7606.

The CV Fund is about lending a hand to those in need. These are tough economic times. Our hope and our purpose is to make life in the Village a little happier for our less fortunate residents by removing some of the financial stress in their lives.

1 comment:

UCO President said...

Hi All,

First of all, thanks to Lanny Howe for our first BLOG; which lays out the concept and philosophy of the CV foundation.

If you feel you can help, and would like to volunteer, feel free to call any of the Committee Chairs listed in the side panel.

Obviously, contributions will be appreciated at any time.

There is a critical need at this time for experienced Grant Writers; if you have experience in the Art of Grant Writing please call Jean Dowling immediately.

Dave Israel